Contact Us

Please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Full Name*

    Main contact number*

    Other contact number

    Best time to call*


    Your Email*

    Confirm Email address*

    Address 1*

    Address 2



    Post Code*

    A Little Bit About Your Child & Water Confidence

    Childs Full Name

    Childs Date of Birth / Due Date *

    How confident are you in the water? 1 = not confident, 10 = very confident


    How confident is your child in the water? 1 = not confident, 10 = very confident


    Any additional information:

    How did you hear about Little Dolphins?*

    ParentwiseNCTsmall step magazinefamilies Hereford and Worcester magazine
    FlyerWord of mouthFacebook

    Your Message

    or you can contact us using the information below;

    Gemma Dickens,
    66 Hurcott Road,
    DY10 2QJ

    Mobile: 07805 001405

    Gift Vouchers now available!

    gift-voucherYou can now purchase Little Dolphins Gift Vouchers. Please contact Gemma for more information.

    You can also find us on Small Steps Online

    Small Steps Parenting for baby and toddler parenting advice